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Quiz results

Thank you for taking our quiz, we want to offer you a free discovery session

Score 45-60: 

Congratulations as you seem to have a good handle on your health, are making

conscious decisions for you and your family and want to make a difference to

age the healthiest that you can. Even though you probably have 90% of your

health taken care of, there seems to be that remaining 10% you’re thinking about

to take you beyond any type of plateau you might face. Whether it’s helping you

or your family, sticking to creating healthier habits, or protect against disease or

hormones, there’s a lot of myths and misinformation out there. Make sure to do

your due diligence and background checks on the information you gather and

make educated decisions with your provider. My goal is that Pro Health Share can

assist in that education, assist with that 10% or possible plateaus, help you be

protective against disease for you and your family and be the healthiest and

happiest YOU!



Score 31-44: 

You care about others and yourself and want to be healthy and feel

good. Even though you want and try at times to make a change, there may

be something that always gets in the way to continue things long term.

Maybe kids or your work schedule, deadlines, stress, time management or

even family history or genetics that just get in the way to be or feel healthy.

There are simple ways to assist and protect against disease and ways to

incorporate time for yourself… even when it may feel impossible. We all

share the same 24 hrs in a day but how we manage it is what makes the

difference. It is hard to do it all on your own but you don’t have to.

Accountability is what the best in the world have, a coach! My goal is that

Pro Health Share can assist in making healthy habits that last by

incorporating do-able and simple time management choices to help, feel

your best, be protective against disease for you and your family and be the

healthiest and happiest YOU!



Score 12-30: 

Thank you for taking action! However, you seem to be one that

always puts others first and might even feel guilty for taking any time for

yourself or have a hard time saying no. Your day is busy and we all have

habits and rituals that forms our day. Nevertheless, some of these rituals

can bring benefit and some can actually bring harm and we may not even

know it. There’s a lot of misinformation out there and hard to know what’s

the truth these days and easy to be skeptical. But you still took action and I

honor you for doing so! Maybe there’s part of you that sometimes wants to

give up, but maybe there’s part of you that still wants more, something

better and you know it’s out there - somewhere! It may feel far off… Many

of us have self sabotage in our heads and thoughts. If this is you, you’re

not alone! Most of us do this without even realizing it! You have the

potential to do great things! Maybe it’s just hard to see. My goal is that Pro

Health Share can help you see that inner fighter for something more,

something better to help you feel better, be protective against disease for

you and your family and be the healthiest and happiest YOU!

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*The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. The articles are for educational purposes and are based upon the opinions of the the authors, who retain the copyright to this information. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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